Ninety-Eight Cents Out of a Dollar

Lately I’ve encountered many students on the verge of graduating college. Most of them are reluctantly looking ahead to more school.

If I’ve learned anything in the last seven years it’s this: don’t do it if it’s not what you want.

The last thing that will relieve the burden of books and instructors and deadlines is more school.

Now, I’m not saying more school is a bad thing, but it’s more worthwhile to take a break and see the real world first.

Get a job in your field of study, or move to a big city and find part time work. Interact with people. Only then will you truly learn.

After seven years of working in the real world, I want to go back to school. I’ll take it more seriously and get more out of it at every level than I would had I gone to school right after graduation.

Life experience has brought me focus and appreciation.


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3 thoughts on “Ninety-Eight Cents Out of a Dollar

  1. dustansept says:

    great post, I really like the top image.

  2. You are wise beyond your (30) years…

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